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Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Ends Soon

Posted by Borger Medicare Help
Estimated Reading Time 1 minute 3 seconds

Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Ends Soon

For those of you enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan, we have a reminder: Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment runs from January 1 to March 31, so the opportunity to make changes to your plan will be gone soon.

During Open Enrollment, you can perform the following actions with regard to your Medicare Advantage plan:

  • Switch from one Advantage plan into another that better suits you.
  • Drop Medicare Advantage completely, and go back to Original Medicare
  • Add a Part D (prescription) plan to Original Medicare, if you choose to go that route

Why do some beneficiaries choose to make changes to their Medicare Advantage plan? It is possible that you’ve discovered a favorite doctor has dropped out of the network. Or you might learn that your preferred facilities are not covered, or that necessary medications are not included on your plan’s formulary. Because medical needs (and even preferences for care) can change, it is understandable that you might wish to make changes to your Medicare plan.

Unfortunately, if you’re not already enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan, this is not the time to do so. You will have to wait until the Annual Election Period in the fall, unless you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period at some point during the year.

But for those of you enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan, now is the time to ask questions about your coverage. In some cases, a different plan can offer significant benefits over the one in which you’re currently enrolled.

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Medicare can be confusing. Between benefits, networks, drug formularies, copays and deductibles, who's to know the right choice? Cutting through the clutter of commercials, junk mail and endless phone calls is what we do. We'll provide personal, honest advice and help you choose a plan that fits you. No pressure, just valuable information about your options that will allow YOU to make the best decision.

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Local, licensed professionals are available to answer all of your questions. Call Kenton: 918-629-4921 or Lisa: 918-629-2700 or complete the form below and we’d be happy to reach out to you.

      By submitting this information, you acknowledge a licensed insurance agent may contact you by phone, email, or mail to discuss Medicare Advantage Plans, Medicare Supplement Insurance, or Prescription Drug Plans.

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